Excerpt #1

The lust demon is --

Stop!  Bad!  Get back into your cave!!

A pause.  And then a woman walks by, and the demon arises --

I said, Stop!  Get out of here!  Don’t you know the society HATES you?!

Meet the judge.  The voice inside of the head which observes every thought and feeling which arises inside of the body-mind, and then decides which are alright, and which must be suppressed.

Of course, as long as the judge does not allow the lust demon to be seen, felt, and known, there is no chance of transforming the energy; no chance of cleaning out the pipes.

Once the witnessing consciousness sees and accepts the judge, his grip on the inner world is loosened, and much is revealed.

A few links to revealing-assistance:

Now, please stop reading and go meditate!

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