In a world awash with data, please remember: there is something immensely valuable beyond information. A beautiful, divine silence exists beyond the mind-stuff.
There is a miraculous, subtle force in play which moves us gently toward this silence. This is the story of how this force worked on me.
In my twenties, I was steeped in the intellectual world. I was reading spiritual texts, but they did not penetrate. When I turned twenty nine, I moved to a suburb of the city in which I was living. This move lessoned to a large degree the noise and distraction to which I was subjected. In astrological terms, I was in my Saturn return, so the miraculous force had the stars on its side.
One night, at a dinner party, I exchanged a few words with a new acquaintance. She mentioned she spent six months in the U.S. and six months in India. I didn't think much of it.
A few weeks later, I was standing in line at a cafe, and I caught sight of a group of four people laughing and enjoying. Upon looking more closely, I noticed the woman I had met at the dinner party. I was wearing a tee-shirt with the logo of a theatre company with which I had worked. My acquaintance said, "I didn't know you worked in theatre. This man is a world-renowned theatre artist from Germany." Introductions were made, and I sat down with them to have a coffee.
Two minutes later, I was crying my eyes out.
I have no recollection of what transpired between the introduction and the crying. However, I do remember, after I finally calmed down, the German artist saying, "You are ready."
There is an ancient saying. The student does not find the Master; the Master finds the student. In this case, the Master used one of his disciples to find me.
A few weeks later, I was immersed in a Zen Theatre course, which combined theatre exercises with meditation techniques.
Shortly thereafter, I became the disciple of an enlightened Master, and began to learn the methods which helped me to have a glimpse of that which lies beyond the spoken word, beyond the zippy thoughts, beyond the emotions, and beyond the sensations of the physical body.
It only took one glimpse of this peace, this silence, this blissfulness, to know that in the end, this is all I need.
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