Diamond Poem

Unbounded sky. Vast
beyond words. Sunlight, darkness
your blessed children.

Jesus, Buddha, the Hasid
Masters spoke to the human family of these spaces.
Our family. The world’s peoples.

Connections are created: by blood and marriage, love
and fate, spirit and soul. The persons intermix, Stu, Mary, Sally,
grands and great-grands, siblings, offspring, old ones and youngsters.

Within this web resides Lee. One woman among millions whose passion
for life expresses through theater, sculpture, a grounded caring for those around
her: dropping everything for a loved one in need. Lee racing to the

emergency room, steady, supportive, loving; re-
turning home tired, ready to receive nourishment. Now, her passion
renewed, off into the fray, her heart leading the way.

The Masters know heartfulness
dotted across the earth by us will re-create the
godliness of which they spoke.

A godliness so
vast that to speak of it is
to miss it. No sky.


  1. "...to speak of it is to miss it."

    Then say it silently with eyes closed,

    a whirling dervish spinning

    in circles

    with no beginning,

    no end.
